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jan 21

lars has been talking up a storm for the past few months, but now, like every day, he says 5 new words. he just copies whatever i say....

  1. tee - tree
  2. balh - ball
  3. tight- tight
  4. pen - pen
  5. bin - bin
  6. appy - happy
  7. elp - help
  8. eat - eat
  9. eat - eight
  10. nine - nine
  11. ten - ten
  12. one - one
  13. twwoooo - two
  14. tee - three
  15. fife - five
  16. pans - pants
  17. ocks - socks
  18. mic - milk
  19. juse - juice
  20. manna - banana
  21. a-pull - apple
  22. babee - baby
  23. nap - nap
  24. night - night
  25. boobie - blueberry
  26. cokie - cookie
  27. caker - craker
  28. arse - lars!
  29. pulp - pulp
  30. tash - trash
  31. boots - boots
  32. poopie - well...
  33. pee pee - well...
  34. poopie - also means diaper
  35. pot-T - potty
  36. kick - kick
  37. catch - catch
  38. look - look!
  39. watch - watch!
  40. cakes - pancakes
  41. bely - belly
  42. tooooes - toes
  43. nooose - nose
  44. eyes - eyes
  45. hay - hair
  46. teef - teeth
  47. ook - book
  48. 'boo coo weed' = book to read
  49. that - that (with pointing when he wants something)
  50. caa - car
  51. tuck - truck
trying to remember them all, for history's sake. more later. :)

most of the alphabet, i wont type all letters! :)

serious cuddles

dentist.... jan 10

today was lars' first dentist appointment!! at 19 months, not so sure this was the smartest move. he enjoyed the train table, the red balloon and the peek-a-boo game with the nurse, but......the actual experience was not too good. serious cries. and i had to hold him down. but then again, im pretty sure this is what a toddler is suppose to do (or i keep telling myself that) ha ha.

on the positive side, the doc showed me the best way to brush his teeth and 6 months time he will be (apparently) more comfortable with this proceedure and not try to rip my hair out. ill try tonight. sure i will!

afterall, teeth are the window to your soul. or at least i think so.